Friday, September 10, 2010


I'm not talking about your friendly Sesame Street kind..warm fuzzy and googgly eyed. I mean the dark and spooky, the ethereal, feeling of unease, the hurtful words heard, the toxic family, the suicides, the divorces, the everyday and the worst day. The things at night you're most afraid of the the dark hours of morning..the dark that lingers after the lights go on. You know, you've seen them out of the corner of your eye...and not just your own..but friends and family members often have one or tow they've brought along. The Monsters (capitol M).

  You can't really get rid of them..never completely. But, there is a way to keep going, to feel better, to do your thing without fear of something grabbing your ankle and bringing it all down.


  yup, pie. Make it, bake it, eat it , share it.....pie. Warm, comforting, sweet, maybe savory, full of time and love and sometimes tears in the making.

                                      Monsters hate pie.

*If you are someone who does not like pie I am in no way insinuating you are a merely have not found "your pie" yet..don't will come*